Elfbot Heal Exurra Gran
Posted By admin On 16.08.19Just set up profiles for all of your addresses and credit cards, and pick the profile you need when filling out a form. Check out our helpdesk to learn more about setting up your Form Fill profiles: Get more information at https://support.logmeininc.com/lastpass/help/manage-your-form-fills-lp040002. LastPass 101: Filling a form (00:29)Whether you're signing up for an account on a new website you discovered or you're checking out and need to complete shipping and billing information, LastPass Form Fill saves you time by filling in your contact and payment details for you. LastPass 101: Generating a Password (00:34)Having a different password for every account you use is key to staying safe online.
Your #1 resource for only the best Elfbot NG Hotkeys and Scripts for Open Tibia servers. Tuesday, March 12, 2013. Useful PVP and War Hotkeys. Casts ‘exura sio. Healing paladin. Exori Gran Con. Healing knight. Auto utito tempo. Exori Gran Ico. Auto SD target.
PUSHMAX:auto 10 listas 'Push MAXX' moveitemonground $posx [$posy-1] $posz $posx $posy $posz moveitemonground $posx [$posy+1] $posz $posx $posy $posz moveitemonground [$posx-1] [$posy-1] $posz $posx $posy $posz moveitemonground [$posx-1] $posy $posz $posx $posy $posz moveitemonground [$posx-1] [$posy+1] $posz $posx $posy $posz moveitemonground [$posx+1] [$posy-1] $posz $posx $posy $posz moveitemonground [$posx+1] $posy $posz $posx $posy $posz moveitemonground [$posx+1] [$posy+1] $posz $posx $posy $posz
auto 100 listas 'Anti Push: ON' dropitems 283 284 285 ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz 3031] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz 3492] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3492 2
Treining ML Hunt:
auto 200 if [$mppc > 90] say 'utana vid'
auto 1 listas 'Dancing' wait 100 turnn wait 100 turnw wait 100 turns wait 100 turne
Bug Map:
auto 10 listas 'Bug Map' if [$key.65] {usegroundxyz [$posx-7] $posy $posz end} if [$key.68] {usegroundxyz [$posx+7] $posy $posz end} if [$key.83] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy+6] $posz end} if [$key.87] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy-6] $posz end} if [$key.67] {usegroundxyz [$posx+6] [$posy+5] $posz end} if [$key.90] {usegroundxyz [$posx-6] [$posy+5] $posz end} if [$key.81] {usegroundxyz [$posx-6] [$posy-5] $posz end} if [$key.69] {usegroundxyz [$posx+6] [$posy-5] $posz end}
Trade Helper:
auto 100 listas 'Trade Helper' tradesay 'utani gran hur' wait [$rand.10000.
Heal Paralyze:
auto 100 healparalysis 'Utani Gran Hur'
Trocar soft quando a outra acabar:
auto 200 listas 'Soft By Adshow' if [$mppc <= 90] equipboots 3549 if
Exori Gran/UE com 3 montros na tela:
auto 100 listas 'Exori Gran Perfect' if [$monstersaround.4 >=3 && $playersaround.7 0] {say 'exevo gran mas vis'}
Combo UE:
auto 10 listas 'UE Combo' clear $useue set $messageleader '(Adshow Skullashow)' set $leadermessage 'boom' set $mpue 1200 set $uespell 'exevo gran mas vis' foreach 'newmessages' $ue if [$ue.sender '$messageleader' && $ue.content '$leadermessage' && $ue.channel 'Default'] set $useue 1 if [$useue && $mp >= $mpue] {say '$uespell' wait 1000}
Tacar Mw 2 Sq A Frente Do Target :
safe magwall target wait 1000
Auto equipar soft boots (por o id da soft antes de ativar):
auto 200 equipboots 3554
Healer baseado na porcentagem do life:
auto 100 if [$hppc < 80 && $hppc > 61] say 'exura' if [$hppc < 60] say 'exura gran'
Localizar target e a ultima pessoa q você exivou:
Da SIO em qualquer amigo com life abaixo de 90%:
auto 200 sio 90 friend
Usa SSA repetidamente:
auto 20 fastequipammy 3081
Usar ring quando outro acabar:
auto 200 equipring 'id do ring'
alerta se você ficar parado por 10 segundos (caso alguem tenha te blockiado):
auto 200 if [$standtime >= 10*1000] {playsound 'stopped.wav' flash}
Pause Key, que nem no NG, pausa o cavebot e o targetting:
if [$targetingon $caveboton] {statusmessage 'ElfBot NG - CaveBot Paused' stopattack settargeting off setcavebot off wait 400 end} if [$targetingon 0 $caveboton 0] {statusmessage 'ElfBot NG - CaveBot Resumed' settargeting on setcavebot on wait 400}
auto 1000 if [$itemcount.'sudden death rune' < 10] istargeting say 'exori mort'
auto 500 dontlist foreach 'allcreatures' $pt if [$pt.party >= 1 && $pt.isfriend 0 && $pt.name != '$name'] {setrelation '$pt.name' 'friend' listboxaddline '10' '255' '255' '255' '$systime - $pt.name temporary added on friend list'}
Adoon full
auto 200 setoutfitcolor '$name' $self.color1 $self.color2 $self.color3 $self.color4 3
Bug kk
auto 1 buyitems 3028 0
auto 1 stackitems
auto 1 sellitems 3028 100
hotkey sem nav
HOTKEY DASH ;) elf bom ;D
auto 30 dontlist if [$key.97] {movesw} if [$key.98] {moves} if [$key.99] {movese} if [$key.100] {movew} if [$key.102] {movee} if [$key.103] {movenw} if [$key.104] {moven} if [$key.105] {movene}
Essa Hotkey deixa todo mundo que esta na party ou na war system na FRIEND LIST - auto 500 dontlist foreach 'allcreatures' $pt if [$pt.party >= 1 && $pt.isfriend 0 && $pt.name != '$name'] {setrelation '$pt.name' 'friend' listboxaddline '10' '255' '255' '255' '$systime - $pt.name temporary added on friend list'}
HOTKEY DE SIO - auto 200 listas 'Sio' mphigher 150 sio 85 friend
HOTKEY DO FARAO (LEADER) - auto 500 setoutfit 'Kniight Demolidor' 91
SD para OT:
auto 200 sd target
SD para Global:
auto 2000 sd target
Atacar no OT [ Fast Attack ]:
auto 100 attack target
Atacar no Global:
auto 2000 attack target
auto 200 reconnect
Hotkey de abrir S.S
auto 100 foreach 'newmessages' $msg if [$msg.content ? 'Loot of a Serpent Spawn:']{opengrounditem 4388 wait 1000}
NE - auto 10 listas “EmpurraMaxNE” safe moveitemonground [$target.posx] [$target.posy] [$target.posz] [$target.posx+1] [$target.posy-1] [$target.posz]
N - auto 10 listas “EmpurraMaxN” safe moveitemonground [$target.posx] [$target.posy] [$target.posz] [$target.posx] [$target.posy-1] [$target.posz]
NW - auto 10 listas “EmpurraMaxNW” safe moveitemonground [$target.posx] [$target.posy] [$target.posz] [$target.posx-1] [$target.posy-1] [$target.posz]
E - auto 10 listas “EmpurraMaxE” safe moveitemonground [$target.posx] [$target.posy] [$target.posz] [$target.posx+1] [$target.posy] [$target.posz]
W - auto 10 listas “EmpurraMaxW” safe moveitemonground [$target.posx] [$target.posy] [$target.posz] [$target.posx-1] [$target.posy] [$target.posz]
S - auto 10 listas “EmpurraMaxS” safe moveitemonground [$target.posx] [$target.posy] [$target.posz] [$target.posx] [$target.posy+1] [$target.posz]
SE - auto 10 listas “EmpurraMaxSE” safe moveitemonground [$target.posx] [$target.posy] [$target.posz] [$target.posx+1] [$target.posy+1] [$target.posz]
SW - auto 10 listas “EmpurraMaxSW” safe moveitemonground [$target.posx] [$target.posy] [$target.posz] [$target.posx-1] [$target.posy+1] [$target.posz]
Puxar North: auto 200 listas 'North By TibiaScript' useoncreature 3188 target moveitemonground $target.posx $target.posy $target.posz $target.posx [$target.posy-1] $target.posz}
Puxar West: auto 200 listas 'West' useoncreature 3188 target moveitemonground $target.posx $target.posy $target.posz [$target.posx-1] $target.posy $target.posz
Puxar West Diagonal cima: auto 200 listas 'West Diagonal cima' useoncreature 3188 target moveitemonground $target.posx $target.posy $target.posz [$target.posx-1] [$target.posy-1] $target.posz
Puxar West Diagonal baixo: auto 200 listas 'West Diagonal baixo' useoncreature 3188 target moveitemonground $target.posx $target.posy $target.posz [$target.posx-1] [$target.posy+1] $target.posz
Puxar East: auto 200 listas 'East' useoncreature 3188 target moveitemonground [$target.posx] [$target.posy] [$target.posz] [$target.posx+1] [$target.posy] [$target.posz]
Puxar East Diagonalcima: auto 200 listas 'East Diagonal cima' useoncreature 3188 target moveitemonground $target.posx $target.posy $target.posz [$target.posx+1] [$target.posy-1] $target.posz
Puxar East Diagonal baixo: auto 200 listas 'East Diagonal baixo' useoncreature 3188 target moveitemonground $target.posx $target.posy $target.posz [$target.posx+1] [$target.posy+1] $target.posz
Puxar Sul: auto 200 listas 'Sul' useoncreature 3188 target moveitemonground $target.posx $target.posy $target.posz $target.posx [$target.posy+1] $target.posz
$expgained will return how much experience you gained since you loaded the ElfBot