A Tale Of Two Families Eu4

Posted By admin On 18.08.19
A Tale Of Two Families Eu4 Rating: 5,9/10 3292 votes
  1. A Tale Of Two Families Eu4 1
  2. A Tale Of Two Families Eu4 Mods
  3. Eu4 Asturias

A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Achievements, for the most part, can only be gained in single-player Ironman games, on Normal or higher difficulty, with historical nations started at 11 November 1444. Some will require that you play as a released nation. Some achievements can also be earned while playing a custom nation. Six allow some custom game setup options.

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  • Command Cheat Codes

Press ~ (tilde) for the command box to come up and then type one of the following cheat codes below.
  • Add casus belli against target country
  • add_cb [casus belli tag] [target country tag]
  • Add core
  • add_core [Province ID]
  • Add natives to given province
  • add_natives [ProvinceID] [Amount]
  • Add opinion to/from tag
  • add_opinion [Country tag]
  • Add papal influence to tag
  • add_pi [Country tag]
  • Add patriach authority to tag
  • add_pa [Country tag]
  • Add reform level to the empire
  • add_reformlevel [Amount]
  • Add specified country tag
  • add_interest [Country tag]
  • Add's Stability
  • stability
  • Adds Piety
  • piety
  • Adds Prestige
  • prestige
  • Adds a colonist to a country
  • add_colonist [Country tag]
  • Adds a heir of a tag eg: add_heir 51
  • add_heir [Target Country Tag]
  • Adds a missionary to a country
  • add_missionary [Country tag]
  • Adds diplomatic entroute
  • add_diplo
  • Adds more humans
  • morehumans [number]
  • Adds population to a province
  • population [ProvinceID] [Amount]
  • Adds the specified idea group
  • add_idea_group [Idea group key]
  • Adds the specified idea group
  • power [stability/tech_table_key/idea_key]
  • Begin annex/annexes the specified tag
  • annex [Target Country Tag]
  • Begin integrate the specified tag
  • integrate [Target Country Tag]
  • Change controller
  • controll [Province ID]
  • Change mapmode
  • mapmode [Mapmode type (int)]
  • Change ownership
  • own [Province ID]
  • Changes the currently playing sound
  • nextsong
  • Clears the console
  • clear
  • Combat view give a random sound?
  • combatsound
  • Creates an savefile
  • savegame
  • Discover capital of target tag
  • discover [Target Country Tag]
  • Double Rainbow help from an unicorn
  • helphelp
  • Enables/Disables Self-Learning AI
  • selflearningai
  • Executes an event eg: event 3041 51
  • event [event id] [Target Country Tag]
  • Extra Manpower
  • manpower (Insert Number)
  • Extra Money
  • Cash (Number)
  • Fog of War turned off!
  • fow off
  • Fog of War turned on !
  • fow on
  • Force Polls valid Events
  • poll
  • Get administrative power
  • Get diplomatic power
  • Get military power
  • Get power in all powers
  • powerpoints [AMOUNT OPTIONAL]
  • Gives max war score in all wars
  • winwars
  • Go to the nudge tool
  • nudge
  • Increase your Imperial Authority
  • imperial_authority [VALUE]
  • Kills the first cardinal in the list
  • kill_cardinal
  • Kills the heir of a tag
  • kill_heir [Target Country Tag]
  • Kills the monarch of a tag eg: kill 51
  • die(kill) [Target Country Tag]
  • Make the client go oos
  • oos
  • Price Info. recorded on the gamelog
  • prices
  • Print out all console commands
  • help [command name]
  • Prints out the used memory
  • memory
  • Region Balance output
  • balance
  • Reloads the entire interface
  • reloadinterface
  • Reloads the gui (reload gui)
  • reload [VAR]
  • Remove casus belli from target country
  • remove_cb [casus belli tag] [target country tag]
  • Remove core
  • remove_core [Province ID]
  • Requests the gamestate from host
  • requestgamestate
  • Score output
  • score
  • Set the legitimacy of the ruler
  • legitimacy [AMOUNT]
  • Sets a forced sprite level
  • spritelevel [Sprite level]
  • Sets the missionary progress/province
  • setmissionaryprogress [ProvinceID] [Amount]
  • Shows all votes for a cardinal
  • papvotes
  • Shows your IP
  • IP
  • Starts a Pirate in a province
  • pirate [Province ID]
  • Starts a Revolt in a province
  • revolt [Province ID]
  • Switch tag to another country
  • tag [Country tag]
  • Switches to play no country at all
  • observe(spectator)
  • Tests a mission without triggering it
  • testmission [Mission Name]
  • Tests an event without triggering it
  • testevent [Event ID] [Character ID]
  • Toggles AI positive responses
  • yesman
  • Toggles Terra Incognita on/off
  • ti(debug_ti)
  • Toggles additional AI info
  • aiview
  • Toggles all messages popup
  • msg
  • Toggles debug display
  • collision(debug_collision)
  • Toggles fullscreen
  • fullscreen
  • Toggles the pausebanner/screenshots
  • nopausetext
  • Turns off fog of war in a province
  • fow(debug_fow) [Province ID OPTIONAL]
  • Validates all events
  • validateevents
  • Vassalize the specified tag
  • vassalize [Target Country Tag]
  • W00t What time is it? i play too much
  • time
  • Wins the siege
  • siege [Province ID]
  • Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
AchievementHow to unlock
  • A Blessed Nation
  • As a Coptic Nation, gain all 5 Blessings.
  • A Decent Reserve
  • Have a maximum manpower of at least 1 million.
  • A Fine Goosestep
  • Form Prussia and have at least 125% Discipline.
  • A Golden Empire
  • Enact a Golden Age as an Empire.
  • A Kaiser not just in name
  • Enact all reforms in the Holy Roman Empire.
  • A Manchurian Candidate
  • Start as one of the Jurchen tribes and form Qing.
  • A Pile of Gold
  • Own 10 provinces which produce gold.
  • A Protected Market
  • Have 100% Mercantilism.
  • A Sun God
  • Form Inca, embrace all Institutions and own all of South America as core provinces.
  • A tale of two Families
  • Starting as Vijayanagar or Bahmanis conquer the other's capital and have them not exist.
  • AAA Credit
  • As a Great Power, take on over 1,000 ducats of another nation's debt.
  • Absolutely
  • Gain 100 Absolutism.
  • Abu Bakr II's Ambition
  • Start as Mali and have 4 Colonial Subjects in South America.
  • Academical
  • As Athens, own 50 universities.
  • African Power
  • Own and have cores on all provinces in Africa as Kongo.
  • Agressive Expander
  • Own 200 provinces.
  • Albania or Iberia
  • As Albania, own or have a subject own Iberia and the Caucasus.
  • All belongs to Mother Russia
  • Start as a country of Russian culture and form Russia.
  • All That's Thine Shall Be Mine
  • As a Greedy ruler, take all of a nation's ducats in a peace deal.
  • All Your Trade Are Belong to Us
  • Have the highest trade power in Genoa, Venice and English Channel while having an income of at least 300 ducats per month.
  • An early Reich
  • Form Germany.
  • An Industrial Evolution
  • As Great Britain, own all of England as core provinces and have at least 25 development in each province there.
  • Arabian Coffee
  • Form Arabia and be the nation producing the most coffee in the world.
  • At every continent
  • Own one province on each continent.
  • Auld Alliance Reversed
  • As Scotland, have France as a vassal (do not form Great Britain).
  • Azur semé de lis or
  • Get all the French Cores as France.
  • Baa Baa Black Sheep
  • As Qara Qoyunlu become the leading producer of wool.
  • Back in Control
  • Form Yuan and be the only nation holding land in China.
  • Back to the Piast
  • As Mazovia or Silesia, form the nation of Poland.
  • Baltic Crusader
  • As Teutonic Order or Livonian Order, own all of Russia as core provinces and convert it to Catholic.
  • Barbarossa
  • As a Maghrebi nation, have 500 light ships privateering at the same time.
  • Basileus
  • As Byzantium, restore the Roman Empire.
  • Bengal Tiger
  • Start as Bengal and own Samarkand as a core province.
  • Better than Napoleon
  • As France, own Vienna, Berlin and Moscow as core provinces.
  • Big Blue Blob
  • As France, hold 100 European core provinces before 1500.
  • Black Jack
  • Have at least 21 different subjects with 5 cities each and without any subject having 50% or more Liberty Desire. Trade Companies do not count.
  • Bleed Them Dry
  • Have 10 different War Reparations being paid to you at the same time.
  • Blockader
  • Blockade at least 10 ports of one enemy.
  • Blood for the Sky God!
  • As a Tengri nation, have Nahuatl as your syncretic faith.
  • Breaking the Yoke
  • As Ryazan, own Saratov, Crimea and Kazan while being independent.
  • Brothers in Arms
  • Win a war as a secondary participant.
  • Carthago Delenda Est
  • As an Italian culture nation, make sure entire Tunis Area is at 100 devastation.
  • Center of Attention
  • Own both a Protestant and a Reformed Center of Reformation.
  • Cherrypicking
  • Conscript a 3 star general from a Daimyo Subject.
  • Choson One
  • As Korea, own or have a subject own all Shinto, Confucian and Buddhist provinces in the world.
  • Cities of Cibola
  • As Pueblo, own at least seven provinces with 10 development each.
  • City of Cities
  • Own a core province with at least 60 development.
  • Cold War
  • Win a war without fighting a single battle.
  • Colonial Management
  • Have 3 colonial governors that were directly appointed by you at the same time.
  • Combined Arms
  • Have both an Admiral and a General with a trait.
  • Consulate of the Sea
  • As Aragon conquer all Mediterranean Centers of Trade.
  • Core-fu
  • Force a nation to revoke 5 cores in one peace deal as Corfu.
  • Dar al-Islam
  • Unify Islam under your rule.
  • Defender of the Faith
  • Become Defender of the Faith.
  • Definitely the Sultan of Rum
  • Own and have cores on Rome, Moscow and Istanbul as Ottomans.
  • Die Please Die
  • Have a ruler with 1 or lower in all three categories who is over the age of 70.
  • Disciples of Enlightenment
  • Starting as Dai Viet, have 10 nations follow the Mahayana Faith by 1500.
  • Double the Love
  • Start with no unions and get two at the same time.
  • Dovmont's Own
  • Starting as Pskov, have 100 standing Streltsy units.
  • Down Under
  • Have a colony in Australia.
  • Dracula's Revenge
  • Start as Wallachia or Moldavia, form Romania and own or have a subject own all of the Balkans.
  • Electable!
  • Become an elector in the HRE as a country which does not start as elector.
  • Even Better than Piet Heyn
  • Gain over 100 gold from privateering a single treasure fleet.
  • Factionalism
  • Have 3 different estates in your country with at least 70% influence each.
  • Fanatic Collectivist
  • Own all Institution Origin provinces.
  • First Come, First Serve
  • Starting as a Western technology custom nation in North America or South America with no more than 200 points, unite the two continents.
  • For Odin!
  • Starting as a Norse custom nation with no more than 200 points and a maximum of 5 provinces, own And core Scandinavia and the British Isles and convert it all to Norse.
  • For the Glory
  • Diplo-annex a vassal.
  • Foremost Servitor of Jagannath
  • Start as Orissa and own or have a subject own all tropical wood provinces.
  • Four For Trade
  • Form four Trade Companies and get bonus merchants from all of them.
  • From Humble Origins
  • Starting as a custom nation with no more than 50 points, have at least 2000 total development.
  • Frozen Assets
  • Start as Novgorod and control 90% of the trade power in the White Sea trade node while it is the highest valued trade node in the world.
  • Full House
  • Have 3 Vassals and 2 Marches at the same time.
  • Gentle Persuasion
  • Have a Siege Specialist general win a siege in a province with a fort.
  • Georgia on my Mind
  • Fully own all three Georgias.
  • Gold Rush
  • Reform the Golden Horde before 1500.
  • Golden Horn
  • As a Somali nation, fully own the Horn of Africa region and have a monthly gold income of at least 10 ducats.
  • Gothic Invasion
  • Start as Theodoro and conquer all Germanic culture provinces in Europe.
  • Grand Coalition
  • Join a coalition of more than 5 nations.
  • Grand Duchy
  • Starting as a Duchy, have 1000 development without upgrading your government rank.
  • Great Perm
  • As Perm, own or have a subject own the Russian, Siberian, Scandinavian, Canadian, Hudson Bay and Cascadian Regions.
  • Guarantor of Peace
  • Guarantee the Independence of France, The Ottoman Empire and Russia.
  • Hessian Mercenaries
  • As Hesse, have at least 50 regiments of mercenaries and no loans.
  • Hoarder
  • As a Fetishist nation, have 13 available Cults.
  • Holy Trinity
  • As the Papacy, own Jerusalem and have Livonian Order, Teutonic Order and The Knights as Marches.
  • I'll graze my horse here. And here..
  • As a Horde, own over 200 provinces producing grain.
  • Ideas Guy
  • Starting as a custom nation with the full 800 points but no more than 3 total development, have a monthly income of at least 500 ducats.
  • Imperio español
  • As Spain have Mexico, Panama, Havana, Cuzco in colonial Nations under you.
  • In the Name of the Father
  • As an Orthodox country, have 100 Patriarch Authority.
  • Isn't this the way to India?
  • Discover the Americas as Castile or Spain.
  • It's all about luck
  • Win a battle against a great leader, without a leader.
  • It's all about the money
  • Accumulate 3000 gold.
  • It's All Greek To Me
  • Form Greece and own and have cores on Zeta, Thatta, Lamba, and Roh.
  • Italian Ambition
  • Form Italy.
  • Je maintiendrai
  • Form the Netherlands as a minor nation starting with Dutch culture.
  • Jihad
  • As Najd, own 500 Sunni provinces.
  • Just a Little Patience
  • Play a campaign from 1444 until 1820.
  • Just Resting In My Account
  • Corrupt the officials in a Rival country.
  • King of Jerusalem
  • Form the Kingdom of Jerusalem as Cyprus or The Knights.
  • Kinslayer
  • As Tver, Yaroslavl, Ryazan or Odoyev, eliminate all other Rurikovich nations without changing your ruling dynasty.
  • Kirishitan Japan
  • Start as a Japanese Daimyo, convert yourself and all of Japan to Christianity.
  • Komnenoi Empire
  • As Trebizond, have the Empire government rank.
  • Kow-Tow
  • As Ming, have a subject from each religion group.
  • Krabater
  • Form the nation of Croatia and station a unit of cavalry in Stockholm.
  • Kuban Cigars
  • As Kuba, own or have a subject own Havana and be the world's leading producer of Tobacco.
  • Kushite Restoration
  • As a Nubian culture nation, own the entire Egyptian region as core provinces.
  • Land of Eastern Jade
  • Own a core province in Central America as a Buddhist country.
  • Laughingstock
  • Own the provinces of Haha, Hehe and Lolland.
  • Lazarus
  • As Serbia, own the entire Balkans as core provinces.
  • Lessons of Hemmingstedt
  • As Dithmarschen, hold the provinces of Sjaelland and Holland while Denmark do not exist.
  • Liberty or Death
  • Start as USA in 1776 bookmark and own all your cores while being at peace.
  • Lion of the North
  • Start as Sweden and lead the Protestant League to victory against the Emperor.
  • Live Long and Prosper
  • Have 30 states with prosperity at the same time as you have a 70 year old ruler.
  • Luck of the Irish
  • Own and have cores on the British Isles as an Irish nation.
  • Lucky Lucca
  • As Lucca, own Lucknow!
  • Made in Japan
  • Embrace 'manufacturies' institution as Japan by 1655.
  • Magellan's Voyage
  • Make the first circumnavigation.
  • Mare Nostrum
  • Restore the Roman Empire and own the entire Mediterranean and Black Sea coast lines.
  • Market Control
  • Be trade leader of seven different goods.
  • Marshy March
  • Have a march with at least two marsh provinces.
  • Mass Production
  • Starting as Odoyev, own one of every manufactury.
  • Master of India
  • Own and have cores on all of India as a European nation.
  • Meissner Porcelain
  • As Saxony, own or have a subject own all Chinaware provinces in the world.
  • My armies are invincible!
  • Gain at least 7.0 land morale.
  • My True Friend
  • Go to war in support of a rebel faction and win, enforcing their demands.
  • Neither Holy, Nor German
  • Have 7 Free Cities in the Empire, none of which is of a Germanic culture.
  • Networking
  • Have 100 point spy networks in 3 Rival nations.
  • No Pirates in my Caribbean
  • Own or have a subject own the entire Caribbean.
  • No Trail of Tears
  • Own and have cores on the Thirteen Colonies as Cherokee with all institutions embraced.
  • Nobody wants to die
  • Own Timbuktu as Songhai.
  • Norwegian Wood
  • Own or have a subject own all naval supplies provinces as Norway.
  • Not just Pizza
  • Become a Great Power as Naples.
  • Not so sad a state..
  • As Portugal, have a colony in Brazil and in Africa.
  • On the Edge of Madness
  • As Aztecs, reach 95 Doom, then go 20 years without Doom hitting 100.
  • One Faith
  • Have all non-wasteland land provinces in the world be of your religion.
  • One Family to Rule them All
  • Have your dynasty on 8 thrones at the same time. Client states do not count.
  • One King to Rule!
  • As Poland, become an absolutist monarchy, abolishing the Sejm.
  • One Night in Paris
  • Start as England, own and have a core on Paris (do not form another country unless it's Great Britain)
  • Over a Thousand!
  • Own 1001 provinces directly.
  • Pick Your Poison
  • As Kaffa, develop in Cafa while a subject of yours owns it.
  • Poland can into space
  • As Poland, reach the maximum level in all technologies.
  • Prester John
  • Own and have cores on Alexandria, Antioch and Constantinople as Coptic Ethiopia.
  • Pyramid of Skulls
  • As a Steppe Horde, raze a province with at least 30 development.
  • Qing of China
  • Become Chinese Emperor as Qing.
  • Queen of Conquest
  • Conquer land while in a Queen Regency.
  • Queen of Mercury
  • As Kilwa, own and have cores on Zanzibar and Bombay (North Konkan)
  • Rags and Riches
  • Have the highest income in the world while owning no province with a development level higher than 10.
  • Raja of the Rajput Reich
  • Conquer all of Germany as Nagaur.
  • Redecorating
  • Starting as an Orthodox Nation, Consecrate Metropolitan in Roma.
  • Rekindling the Flames
  • Starting as a Zoroastrian custom nation with no more than 200 points and a maximum of 5 provinces, rekindle the royal fires.
  • Relentless Push East
  • Starting as a Russian nation, By 1600 own the East Siberian Coastline.
  • Respected
  • Have 100 prestige, 100 legitimacy and three stability.
  • Rise of the White Sheep
  • As Aq Qoyunlu, own Tabriz and have Qara Qoyunlu not exist by 1478.
  • Royal Authority
  • Install an union through a succession war.
  • Rozwi Empire
  • Starting as Butua, conquer Mutapa (Zimbabwe and Lower Zambezi areas)
  • Ruina Imperii
  • Dismantle the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Sailor Mon
  • As Pegu, have at least 100,000 sailors.
  • Sakoku Law
  • Go full isolationist in 6 Incidents.
  • Seriously?!
  • Kill 10,000 men in one battle.
  • Shahanshah
  • Start as Tabarestan and form Persia.
  • Sinaasappel!
  • Get Orangists in power with 100% Republican Tradition, and owning a province in China.
  • Sons of Carthage
  • As Tunisia, own and have cores on Sicily, Sardinia, the Balearic Islands, the coast of Algiers and the southern coast of Spain.
  • Spain is the Emperor
  • Become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire as Spain.
  • Strait Talk
  • As Hormuz, have at least 10 diplomatic reputation.
  • Subsidize my Love
  • Subsidize 3 different allies at least 50% of their monthly income without running a deficit.
  • Sunset Invasion
  • Own and have cores on Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, London, Amsterdam and Rome as the Aztecs.
  • Sweden is not overpowered!
  • Own and have cores on the entire Baltic coastline as Sweden.
  • Sweet Harmony
  • Harmonize 7 religions as Confucian.
  • Switzerlake
  • Own 99 provinces as Switzerland while owning no ports.
  • Take that, von Habsburgs!
  • As Hungary, own all of Austria as core provinces.
  • Tatarstan
  • As Kazan or Nogai, own all Tatar culture group lands.
  • Tear Down This Wall
  • Use artillery Barrage on Berlin.
  • Terra Mariana
  • As Riga, own the Baltic region as core provinces.
  • That is mine!
  • Conquer a province.
  • That's a Grand Army
  • Build up your army to your country's maximum army forcelimit.
  • That's a Grand Navy
  • Build up your navy to your country's maximum navy forcelimit.
  • That's a Silk Road
  • Own or have a subject own all provinces in the world producing silk.
  • The 52 Garhs
  • As Garhwal own and maintain 52 forts without going into debt.
  • The Animal Kingdom
  • As Manipur, unite the Bengal region and convert it to Animism.
  • The Bohemians
  • As Bohemia, own Dublin as a core province.
  • The Buddhists Strike Back
  • As Ceylon, own all of India and convert it to Theravada Buddhism (do not form another nation)
  • The Burgundian Conquest
  • As Burgundy, own the Low Countries region as core provinces and have France and Austria as your subjects.
  • The Chrysanthemum Throne
  • Unite Japan as a Daimyo.
  • The Continuation of Diplomacy
  • Successfully use Threaten War to gain a province from another nation.
  • The Emperors new clothes
  • Overthrow Austria and become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • The Fezzan Corridors
  • As Fezzan, control at least 90% of the trade power in Tunis, Katsina, Safi and Timbuktu.
  • The First Toungoo Empire
  • As Taungu, unite the Burman culture group by 1500.
  • The Five Colonies
  • Have five colonial nations.
  • The Grand Armada
  • Have 500 heavy ships and no loans.
  • The Great Khan
  • Starting as Mongolia or Great Horde, own or have a subject own the Chinese, Russian and Persian regions.
  • The Iron Price
  • Restore the Danelaw region to Danish rule, and make it Danish culture.
  • The Navigator
  • As Portugal, get owned provinces in Africa, India and Indonesia before 1500.
  • The pen is mightier than the sword
  • Have three unions at the same time as Austria.
  • The Princess is in this Castle
  • As a country that does not start with a female heir, have a female heir while having a Castle in your capital (more advanced fort buildings do not count)
  • The Re-Reconquista
  • As Granada, form Andalusia and reconquer all of Iberia.
  • The Rising Sun
  • Own and have cores on all of Japan as a European nation.
  • The Six Nations
  • Form a Federation of at least six nations as the Iroquois.
  • The Spice Must Flow
  • Form the nation of Malaya.
  • The Sudanese Expedition
  • Starting as Morocco, conquer the Niger and Sahel Regions.
  • The Sun Never Sets on the Indian Empire
  • Form Hindustan or Bharat and own or have a subject own Cape, London, Hong Kong (Canton) and Ottawa (Kichesipi)
  • The Third Way
  • Start as an Ibadi nation and eliminate all rival schools of Islam (do not convert to another religion)
  • The Three Mountains
  • Own or have a subject own the entire world as Ryukyu.
  • The Uncommonwealth
  • As Lithuania, become The Commonwealth.
  • The White Company
  • Join a war on the other side of someone to whom you have rented condottieri.
  • The White Elephant
  • As Ayutthaya, own all of Indochina as core provinces.
  • These Banners need a Saga
  • Have 100 regiments as Banners raised at the same time.
  • This is My Faith
  • Convert to Protestantism and unlock 3 Aspects of Faith.
  • This is Persia!
  • Form Persia and own Egypt, Anatolia and Greece as core provinces.
  • This navy can take it all
  • Gain at least 7.0 naval morale.
  • This Revolution Was Crushed
  • In a war against the target of the Revolution, control their capital and have at least 99% war score.
  • Three Trivial Tributary Tribes
  • Have 3 Tribal States as Tributaries.
  • Time Bandit
  • Successfully steal a map from another nation.
  • Total Control
  • Own 100 or more provinces with no local autonomy or unrest.
  • Trade Hegemon
  • Starting as any European country, conquer and have cores on Aden, Hormoz and Malacca.
  • Traditional Player
  • More than 90 percent Naval and Army Tradition.
  • True Catholic
  • Control three Cardinals.
  • Truly Divine Ruler
  • Get a 5/5/5 Ruler.
  • Trustworthy
  • Have five allies with 100 trust towards you each.
  • Turkish Delight
  • Start as Candar and own 20 Sugar provinces between you and your subjects.
  • Turn the Table
  • As a colony, break free and vassalize your former overlord without forming any other nation.
  • Turning the Tide
  • Start as a Steppe Horde in 1444 and embrace all institutions.
  • Turtles all the way down
  • As Korea get 135% Ship Durability.
  • Until death do us apart
  • Secure a Royal Marriage with another country.
  • Vasa or Wettin?
  • Get a ruler of your dynasty on the throne of Poland or the Commonwealth while they are an elective monarchy.
  • Venetian Sea
  • Have a 90% Trade share in both the Alexandria and Constantinople nodes as Venice, owning less than 10 cities.
  • Victorian Three
  • As Busoga, Buganda or Karagwe, reach administrative, diplomatic and military technology level 32.
  • Victorious!
  • Win a war.
  • Viva la Revolución!
  • Have rebels you support in another country enforce their demands.
  • Voting Streak
  • Successfully pass 11 issues in a row in Parliament.
  • We bled for this
  • Win a war with at least one million dead on both sides.
  • Where the heart is
  • As Dahomey, force all non-Fetishist nations out of Niger and Sahel by 1500.
  • Winged Hussars
  • Have Winged Hussars as your active unit with more than +50% cavalry combat ability.
  • With a little help.
  • As Ragusa, lead a Trade League of at least 5 nations and guarantee the Ottomans' independence.
  • World Conqueror
  • Own or have a subject own the entire world.
  • World Discoverer
  • Discover all non-wasteland land provinces.
  • Get exclusive Europa Universalis 4 trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens

Get exclusive Europa Universalis 4 trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens.


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Regno delle Due Sicilie
Coat of arms
Location of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies within Europe in 1839.
Common languagesNeapolitan, Sicilian, Italian, Arberesh, Molise Croatian, Griko, Greek-Bovesian, Gallo-Italic of Sicily
Religion Roman Catholicism
GovernmentAbsolute monarchy
(1816–1848; 1849–1861)
Constitutional monarchy
• 1816–1825
Ferdinand I(first)
Francis II(last)
• Edict of Ferdinand IV of Naples
12 December 1816
5 May 1860
• Declaration of Unification
17 March 1861
1860111,900 km2 (43,200 sq mi)
CurrencyTwo Sicilies ducat
Preceded bySucceeded by
Kingdom of Sicily
Kingdom of Naples
Kingdom of Italy
Today part ofItaly
a. ^ The archipelago of Palagruža was part of the province of Capitanata.

The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (Neapolitan: Regno dê Doje Sicilie, Sicilian: Regnu dî Dui Sicili, Italian: Regno delle Due Sicilie, Spanish: Reino de las Dos Sicilias)[3] was the largest of the states of Italy before the Italian unification.[4] It was formed as a union of the Kingdom of Sicily and the Kingdom of Naples, which collectively had long been called the 'Two Sicilies' (Utraque Sicilia, literally 'both Sicilies').

The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies lasted from 1815 until 1860, when it was annexed by the Kingdom of Sardinia to form the Kingdom of Italy in 1861. The capitals of the Two Sicilies were in Naples and in Palermo. The kingdom extended over the Mezzogiorno (the southern part of mainland Italy) and the island of Sicily. Jordan Lancaster notes that the integration of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies into the Kingdom of Italy changed the status of Naples forever: 'Abject poverty meant that, throughout Naples and Southern Italy, thousands decided to leave in search of a better future.' Many went to the new world.[5] The kingdom was heavily agricultural, like the other Italian states;[6] the church owned 50–65% of the land by 1750.[7]

  • 2Background
  • 3History
  • 4Geography
  • 5Economy
  • 6Monarchy
  • 8Heads of the Royal House of the Two Sicilies, 1861–present


The name 'Two Sicilies' originated from the partition of the medieval Kingdom of Sicily. Until 1285, the island of Sicily and the Mezzogiorno were constituent parts of the Kingdom of Sicily. As a result of the War of the Sicilian Vespers (1282–1302),[8] the King of Sicily lost the Island of Sicily (also called Trinacria) to the Crown of Aragon, but remained ruler over the peninsular part of the realm. Although his territory became known unofficially as the Kingdom of Naples, he and his successors never gave up the title 'King of Sicily' and still officially referred to their realm as the 'Kingdom of Sicily'. At the same time, the Aragonese rulers of the Island of Sicily also called their realm the 'Kingdom of Sicily'. Thus, there were two kingdoms called 'Sicily':[8] hence, the Two Sicilies.


Establishment of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies[edit]

The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies resulted from the re-unification of the Kingdom of Sicily with the Kingdom of Naples (called the Kingdom of Peninsular Sicily), by King Alfonso V of Aragon in 1442. The two states had functioned as separate realms since the War of the Sicilian Vespers in 1282. At the death of King Alfonso in 1458, the kingdom again became divided between his brother John II of Aragon, who kept the island of Sicily, and his illegitimate son Ferdinand, who became King of Naples.

In 1501, King Ferdinand II of Aragon, son of John II, conquered Naples and reunified the two kingdoms under the authority of the newly united Spanish throne. The Kings of Spain then bore the title King of Both Sicilies[9] or King of Sicily and of the Two Coasts of the Strait until the War of the Spanish Succession.[citation needed] At the end of that war, the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 granted Sicily to the Duke of Savoy until the Treaty of Rastatt in 1714 left Naples to the Emperor Charles VI. In 1720 the Emperor and Savoy exchanged Sicily for Sardinia, thus reuniting Naples and Sicily.

In 1734, Charles, Duke of Parma, son of Philip V of Spain, took the Sicilian crown from the Austrians and became Charles VII & V, giving Parma to his younger brother, Philip. In 1759, Charles became King Carlos III of Spain and resigned Sicily and Naples to his younger son, who became Ferdinand III of Sicily and Ferdinand IV of Naples, later crowned Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies in 1816. Apart from an interruption under Napoleon, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies remained under the Bourbon line (Bourbon Duo-Sicilie) continually until 1860. Cs go heavy assault suit.

In January 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte, in the name of the French Republic, captured Naples and proclaimed the Parthenopaean Republic, a French client state, as successor to the kingdom. King Ferdinand fled from Naples to Sicily until June of that year. In 1806, Napoleon, by then French Emperor, again dethroned King Ferdinand and appointed his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, as King of Naples. In the Edict of Bayonne of 1808 Napoleon moved Joseph to Spain and appointed their brother-in-law, Joachim Murat, as King of the Two Sicilies, though this only meant control of the mainland portion of the kingdom.[10][11] Throughout this Napoleonic interruption, King Ferdinand remained in Sicily, with Palermo as his capital.

The Congress of Vienna restored King Ferdinand in 1815. He established a concordat with the Papal States, which previously had a claim to the land.[12]

Several rebellions took place on the island of Sicily against King Ferdinand II (reigned 1830–1859), but the end of the kingdom came only with the Expedition of the Thousand in 1860, led by Garibaldi – an icon of Italian unification – with the support of the House of Savoy and their Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. The expedition resulted in a striking series of defeats for the Sicilian armies facing the growing troops of Garibaldi. After the capture of Palermo and Sicily, Garibaldi disembarked in Calabria and moved towards Naples, while in the meantime the Piedmontese also invaded the Kingdom from the Marche. The last battles took place at Volturnus in 1860 and at the siege of Gaeta, where King Francis II (reigned 1859–1861) had sought shelter, hoping for French help, which never came. The last towns to resist Garibaldi's expedition, Messina and Civitella del Tronto, capitulated on 13 March 1861 and on 20 March 1861 respectively. The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies dissolved and the new Kingdom of Italy, founded in the same year annexed its territory.[citation needed] The fall of the Sicilian aristocracy in the face of Garibaldi's invasion forms the subject of the novel The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa and its film adaptation.[citation needed]

Origins of the two kingdoms[edit]

Cappella Palatina, church of first unifier Roger II of Sicily.

A monarchy over the areas which would later become known as the Two Sicilies existed as one single kingdom, including a peninsular and an insular part, dating from the Middle Ages. The Norman king Roger II formed the Kingdom of Sicily by combining the County of Sicily with the southern part of the Italian Peninsula (then known as the Duchy of Apulia and Calabria) as well as with the Maltese Islands. The capital of this kingdom was Palermo — which is on the island of Sicily.

The state existed in that form from 1130 until 1285. In the period of the Capetian House of Anjou during the reign (1266–1285) of King Charles I, the kingdom was split by the War of the Sicilian Vespers of 1282–1302.[8] Charles, who was of French origin, lost Sicily proper to the House of Barcelona, who were Aragonese and Catalan, after they were able to gain the support of the natives. Charles remained king over the peninsular part of the realm, thereafter informally known as the Kingdom of Naples. Officially Charles never gave up the title of 'The Kingdom of Sicily', thus there existed two separate kingdoms calling themselves 'Sicily'.[8]

Aragonese and Spanish direct rule[edit]

Crown of Aragon, greatest extent

Only with the Peace of Caltabellotta (1302), sponsored by Pope Boniface VIII, did the two kings of 'Sicily' recognize each other's legitimacy; the island kingdom then became the 'Kingdom of Trinacria' in official contexts, though the populace still called it Sicily.[8] Eventually by 1442 the Angevin line of the Kings of Naples was coming to an end. Alfonso V of Aragon, king of insular Sicily, conquered Naples and became king of both (1442).

Alfonso V described the geographical area in Latin as Utriusque Siciliæ, meaning 'of both Sicilies', and used the name as part of his title.[13][not in citation given]After the death of Alfonso in 1458, both Sicilies remained under the direct rule of the Crown of Aragon, but Naples had a different Aragonese king from the island of Sicily from 1458 until 1501. For a brief period Naples was controlled by a different power other than Sicily, in the form of French king Louis XII of France, who took the mainland kingdom and held it (1501–1504) for around three years. After the French lost the Battle of Garigliano (1503), the last Aragonese king, Ferdinand II of Aragon, re-united the two areas once again under control of the same power and the same king.

From 1516, when Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor became the first King of Spain, both Naples and Sicily came under direct Spanish rule. In 1530 Charles V granted the islands of Malta and Gozo, which had been part of the Kingdom of Sicily for four centuries, to the Knights Hospitaller (thereafter known as the Order of Malta).The period of direct Spanish rule under the same line of kings lasted until 1713, when control of Spain and of both Sicilies passed to the French prince Philip, duke of Anjou, who founded the Spanish branch of the House of Bourbon.After an eight-year spell of Savoy rule in Sicily (1713–1720), the two Sicilian kingdoms once again came under the same king after the Treaty of The Hague (1720) appointed the Austrian king Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor as their ruler.


Unification of the Crowns[edit]

The kingdoms were conquered from the Austrians by a young Spanish prince during the War of the Polish Succession; he became Charles VII of Naples. The two kingdoms were then recognised as both independent and under Charles' rule as a cadet branch of the Spanish Bourbons by the Treaty of Vienna.[14] After Charles' brother, Fernando VI of Spain died childless, Charles inherited the Spanish Crown in 1759, reigning as Charles III of Spain.His son Ferdinand then became king of the two kingdoms so as to maintain them as separate realms as required by the treaties restoring the junior Spanish royalty to the southern Italian kingdoms. Ferdinand was highly popular with the poorest class. Ferdinand's reign was highly eventful. For a brief period the Parthenopaean Republic controlled Naples with the support of those who supported the French Revolution. However, a counter-revolutionary army of the poorest class retook Naples in order to restore royal power.[15]

Eight years later, Napoleon conquered the peninsular portion of the kingdom during the War of the Third Coalition and placed his brother Joseph Bonaparte on the throne as King he conferred the title 'Prince of Naples' on his children and grandchildren.[16]

Ferdinand fled to his other kingdom, on the island of Sicily itself. Here the alliance he had previously made with George III of the United Kingdom and Tory Prime Minister the Earl of Liverpool saved him. The British protected Ferdinand and the island of Sicily from Napoleonic conquest with the presence of a powerful Royal Navy fleet.[17]

Back on the mainland, Joachim Murat had become the second Bonapartist king. In the Edict of Bayonne he was named as 'King of the Two Sicilies',[10] though de facto he never actually held the island of Sicily where Ferdinand was, and is usually referred to as just the King of Naples.[18]Murat actually switched sides for a while, abandoning the Grand Army after the disastrous Battle of Leipzig in an attempt to save his Neapolitan throne. However, as the Congress of Vienna progressed, tensions arose as there was strong pressure to restore Ferdinand to the Neapolitan kingdom as well as keeping his Sicilian one.[16] Murat returned to Napoleon and together they declared war on the Austrian Empire, leading to the Neapolitan War in March 1815. Ferdinand and his allies Austria, Britain and Tuscany were victorious, restoring him to his Neapolitan throne. To avoid further French attempts, it was agreed at the Congress of Vienna that Ferdinand would reunite his kingdom.

When talking about the period from 1816 until 1861, historians refer to the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Sicily together as one state - the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. For the period prior to 1816, instead, historians refer to them separately with their own name, as they were separate kingdoms.

Invasion by Piedmont[edit]

A Tale Of Two Families Eu4

Between 1816 and 1848, the island of Sicily experienced three popular revolts against Bourbon rule, including the revolution of independence of 1848, when the island was fully independent of Bourbon control for 16 months.

In 1860, Sicily was invaded by a corps of volunteers, led by Giuseppe Garibaldi from the Kingdom of Sardinia. They successfully conquered the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and incorporated the territory into the new Kingdom of Italy.

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Departments and Districts of Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

The peninsula was divided into fifteen departments[19] and Sicily was divided into seven departments.[20] The island itself had a special administrative status, with its base at Palermo.[citation needed] In 1860, when the Two Sicilies were conquered by the Kingdom of Sardinia, the departments became provinces of Italy, according to the Rattazzi law.[citation needed]

Caserta from 1818
6Province of NaplesNaples
9originally San Severo,then Foggia
  1. ^The city of Benevento was formally included in this department, but it was occupied by the Papal States and was de facto an exclave of that country.[citation needed]



Industry was the largest source of income if compared with the other preunitarian states. One of the most important industrial complexes in the kingdom was the shipyard of Castellammare di Stabia, which employed 1800 workers. The engineering factory of Pietrarsa was the largest industrial plant in the Italian peninsula, producing tools, cannons, rails, locomotives. The complex also included a school for train drivers, and naval engineers and, thanks to this school, the kingdom was able to replace the English personnel who had been necessary until then. The first steamboat with screw propulsion known in the Mediterranean Sea was the 'Giglio delle Onde', with mail delivery and passenger transport purposes after 1847.

In Calabria, the Fonderia Ferdinandea was a large foundry where cast iron was produced. The Reali ferriere ed Officine di Mongiana was an iron foundry and weapons factory. Founded in 1770, it employed 1600 workers in 1860 and closed in 1880. In Sicily (near Catania and Agrigento), sulfur was mined to make gunpowder. The Sicilian mines were able to satisfy most of the global demand for sulfur. Silk cloth production was focused in San Leucio (near Caserta). The region of Basilicata also had several mills in Potenza and San Chirico Raparo, where cotton, wool and silk were processed. Food processing was widespread, especially near Naples (Torre Annunziata and Gragnano).


Rail lines of the Italian Peninsula in 1861
Rail lines in Italy in 1870

With all of its major cities boasting successful ports, transport and trade in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was most efficiently conducted by sea. The Kingdom possessed the largest merchant fleet in the Mediterranean. Urban road conditions were to the best European standards, by 1839, the main streets of Naples were gas-lit. Efforts were made to tackle the tough mountainous terrain, Ferdinand II built the cliff-top road along the Sorrentine peninsula. Road conditions in the interior and hinterland areas of the kingdom made internal trade difficult. The first railways and iron-suspension bridges in Italy were developed in the south, as was the first overland electric telegraph cable.

Technological and scientific achievements[edit]

The kingdom achieved several scientific and technological accomplishments, such as the first steamboat in the Mediterrean Sea (1818), built in the shipyard of Stanislao Filosa al ponte di Vigliena, near Naples, and the first railway in the Italian peninsula (1839), which connected Naples to Portici. However, until the Italian unification, the railway development was highly limited. In the year 1859, the kingdom had only 99 kilometers of rails, compared to the 800 kilometers of Piedmont. This was because the kingdom could count on a very large and efficient merchant navy, which was able to compensate for the need for railways. Also, southern landscape was mainly mountainous making the process of building railways quite difficult, as building railway tunnels was much harder at the time. However, the first railway tunnel in the world was built there. Among the other achievements, one worth mentioning is the first suspension bridge in Continental Europe (1832), the first gaslight in Italy (1839), the first volcano observatory in the world, l'Osservatorio Vesuviano (1841), the first and actual archaeological excavations in the world (in the ancient cities of Pompei and Ercolano), the first faculty of Economics in Europe and the first faculty of Astronomy in Italy. The first suspension bridge, built in iron, the 'Real Ferdinando' on the river Garigliano and it was built in the Reali Ferriere factory and Weapons factory in Mongiana. The rails for the first Italian railways were built in Mongiana as well. All the rails of the old railways that went from the south to as far as Bologna were built in Mongiana. Naples was the most populated city in Italy, and the third most populated city in Europe.[citation needed]


Kings of the Two Sicilies[edit]

  • Ferdinand I, 1816–1825

  • Francis I, 1825–1830

  • Ferdinand II, 1830–1859

  • Francis II, 1859–1861

In 1860–61 the kingdom was conquered by the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the title dropped. It is still claimed by the head of the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.

Titles of King of the Two Sicilies[edit]

Francis I, King of the Two Sicilies, of Jerusalem, etc., Duke of Parma, Piacenza, Castro, etc., Hereditary Grand Prince of Tuscany, etc.

House of Bourbon in exile[edit]

Some sovereigns continued to maintain diplomatic relations with the exiled court, including the Emperor of Austria, the Kings of Bavaria, Württemberg and Hanover, the Queen of Spain, the Emperor of Russia, and the Papacy.[when?]

Heads of the Royal House of the Two Sicilies, 1861–present[edit]

Error: please use either {{Two Sicilies Royal Family Castro}} or {{Two Sicilies Royal Family Calabria}}
  • 1861–1894: Francis II
  • 1894–1934: Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
  • 1934–1960: Prince Ferdinando Pius, Duke of Noto, later, Duke of Calabria
  • 1960–1964: Disputed between Infante Alfonso, Duke of Calabria and Prince Ranieri, Duke of Castro
  • 1964–1966: Disputed between Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria and Prince Ranieri, Duke of Castro
  • 1966–2008: Disputed between Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria and Prince Ferdinand, Duke of Castro
  • 2008–2015: Disputed between Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria and Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro
  • 2015–present: Disputed between Prince Pedro, Duke of Calabria and Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro

Upon Ferdinando Pio's death in 1960, there was a dispute about who inherited the headship of the house. Ferdinando's next brother Carlo had, in anticipation of his marriage to the eldest sister and heiress presumptive of King Alfonso XIII of Spain, signed the so-called Act of Cannes on 14 December 1900:

Here present is His Royal Highness Prince Don Carlo our dearest loved Son and he has declared that he shall be entering into marriage with Her Royal Highness the Infanta Doña Maria Mercedes, Princess of the Asturias, and assuming by that marriage the nationality and quality of Spanish Prince, intends to renounce, and by this present act solemnly renounces for Himself and for his Heirs and Successors to any right and rights to the eventual succession to the Crown of the Two Sicilies and to all the Properties of the Royal House found in Italy and elsewhere and this according to our laws, constitutions and customs of the Family and in execution of the Pragmatic Decree of King Charles III, Our August ancestor, of the 6th October 1759, to whose prescriptions he declares freely and explicitly to subscribe to and obey.[21]

The laws of the deposed Sicilian dynasty and the Pragmatic Decree of Charles III, issued by him as King of Spain and the Two Sicilies on 6 October 1759, required a renunciation only if the Crown of Spain (or the heir apparent thereto) and the 'Italian sovereignties' were united in the same person, and in no other circumstances. This could only have happened in 1900 if the Count of Caserta, his oldest son Ferdinand, and King Alfonso XIII had all died, thereby leaving Prince Carlo as heir to the Two Sicilies crown and his wife as Queen of Spain, and if the Two Sicilies crown had been restored. It is claimed that theories advanced to suggest that the 1900 renunciation were in some way unnecessary have been formulated long after the fact,[citation needed] but by 1907 a son (the first of four, along with two daughters) had been born to Alfonso XIII and Queen Victoria Eugenia and Prince Carlos's older brother Ferdinand had also had a son, Roggero, Duke of Noto, so it soon became irrelevant.

Calabria line[edit]

Prince Carlo's son, Infante Alfonso, became the senior male of the house on the death of his uncle, Ferdinando Pio, Duke of Calabria, in 1960 and was proclaimed Head of the Royal House of the Two Sicilies, with the recognition of the Heads of the royal houses of Spain, Parma and Portugal, and the senior line (Bourbon) pretender to the throne of France. Prince Carlo and his descendants continued to be included as Princes of the Two Sicilies in the Almanach de Gotha from 1901 to 1944, and in the Libro d'Oro of the Italian Nobility from the first edition in 1907 until 1964, at which time the editor came out in support of the cadet line claimant. Infante Don Alfonso took the title of Duke of Calabria, considering that the title of Duke of Castro (a Farnese inheritance) had been lost with the sale of the last portions of the duchy to the Italian government in 1941 (a sale from which Prince Carlo received his portion of the proceeds, along with his brothers and sisters, although if the alleged renunciation of 1900 had been valid he would not have been entitled to do so). Carlo married as his second wife, in 1907, Princess Louise of Orléans, and by her had a son (Carlos, killed in the Spanish Civil War) and three daughters (of whom Princess Maria Mercedes married Juan, Count of Barcelona and was the mother of King Juan Carlos I of Spain, and Princess Esperanza married Prince Pedro Gastão of Orléans-Braganza). The descent in the senior line is as follows:

  • 1960–1964: Alfonso, Duke of Calabria, Infante of Spain (married in 1936 to Princess Alicia of Bourbon-Parma, born 1917, daughter of Elias, Duke of Parma)
  • 1964–2015: Carlos, Duke of Calabria, Infante of Spain since 1994 (married in 1965 to Princess Anne of Orléans, daughter of the late Count and Countess of Paris)
  • 2015–present: Pedro, Duke of Calabria, (married to D. Sofia de Landaluce y Melgarejo, a descendant through her mother of the Dukes of San Fernando de Quiroga).

The latter's immediate heir is Jaime, Duke of Noto.

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Castro line[edit]

The rest of the Bourbon-Two Sicilies family rejected Alfonso's claims, however, and recognized Ranieri, the next surviving brother of Ferdinando Pius, as head of the house. Ranieri took the style of 'Duke of Castro' as his title of pretence. The representatives of the junior branch are as follows:

  • 1960–1973: Prince Ranieri, Duke of Castro (died 1973), married to Countess Maria Carolina Zamoyska (whose mother was a Princess of Bourbon-Two Sicilies).
  • 1973–2008: Prince Ferdinand, Duke of Castro, who had one son and two daughters by his wife Mlle Chantal de Chevron-Villette, including Princess Béatrice, the former wife of Prince Charles Napoléon.
  • 2008–present: Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro married to Ms. Camilla Crociani

They also claim the office of the Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George.

Current lines of succession[edit]

Flags of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies[edit]

  • 1816–1848; 1849–1860 flag

  • 1848–1849 flag

  • 1860–1861 flag

Description of the arms appearing in the flag. Corrections: the upper part of the block marked 'Flanders' is Burgundy Ancient; Burgundy Modern (as it is called in English; shown here as New Burgundy) includes a red-and-white border; the block marked 'Aragon Two Sicilies' is only for Sicily proper (the other 'Sicily' being the Angevin kingdom of Naples).

Orders of knighthood[edit]

Further reading[edit]

  • The Volcano Lover, a novel by Susan Sontag, is set in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies during the Napoleonic era.

See also[edit]

Eu4 Asturias


  1. ^Colletta P., History of the Kingdom of Naples: 1734-1825, p.71
  2. ^Proclaims with Murat's title. ‹See Tfd›(in Italian)
  3. ^Swinburne, Henry (1790). Travels in the Two Sicilies (1790). British Library.
  4. ^De Sangro, Michele (2003). I Borboni nel Regno delle Due Sicilie (in Italian). Lecce: Edizioni Caponi.
  5. ^Jordan Lancaster, In the shadow of Vesuvius: a cultural history of Naples (2005) pp. 199–206[ISBN missing]
  6. ^Nicola Zitara. 'La legge di Archimede: L'accumulazione selvaggia nell'Italia unificata e la nascita del colonialismo interno'(PDF) (in Italian). Eleaml-Fora!.[permanent dead link]
  7. ^Carlo M. Cipolla. Before the industrial revolution: European society and economy, 1000–1700 (1993), p. 36
  8. ^ abcde'Sicilian History'. Dieli.net. 7 October 2007.
  9. ^Waller, Maureen. Sovereign Ladies: The Six Reigning Queens of England. St. Martin's Press (New York), 2006. ISBN0-312-33801-5.
  10. ^ abColletta, Pietro (1858). History of the Kingdom of Naples (1858). University of Michigan.
  11. ^'The Battle of Tolentino > Joachim Murat'. Tolentino815.it. 7 October 2007. Archived from the original on 1 February 2008. Retrieved 4 April 2008.
  12. ^Blanch, L. Luigi de' Medici come uomo di stato e amministratore. Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane. Archived from the original on 24 October 2008. Retrieved 4 April 2008.
  13. ^'Alfonso V, or Alfonso el Magnánimo'. Britannica.com. 7 October 2007.
  14. ^'Charles of Bourbon – the restorer of the Kingdom of Naples'. RealCasaDiBorbone.it. 7 October 2007. Archived from the original on 26 September 2009.
  15. ^'The Parthenopean Republic'. Faculty.ed.umuc.edu. 7 October 2007. Archived from the original on 29 June 2009.
  16. ^ ab'Austria Naples – Neapolitan War 1815'. Onwar.com. 7 October 2007.
  17. ^'Ferdinand IV King of Naples and Sicily (Ferdinand I as King of the Two Sicilies)'. RealCasaDiBorbone.it. 7 October 2007. Archived from the original on 29 December 2006.
  18. ^'Joachim Murat,'. Emeliefr.club.fr. 7 October 2007. Archived from the original on 24 October 2008. Retrieved 3 April 2008.
  19. ^Pompilio Petitti (1851). Repertorio amministrativo ossia collezione di leggi, decreti, reali rescritti ecc. sull'amministrazione civile del Regno delle Due Sicilie, vol. 1 (in Italian). Napoli: Stabilimento Migliaccio. p. 1.
  20. ^Pompilio Petitti (1851). Repertorio amministrativo ossia collezione di leggi, decreti, reali rescritti ecc. sull'amministrazione civile del Regno delle Due Sicilie, vol. 1 (in Italian). Napoli: Stabilimento Migliaccio. p. 4.
  21. ^Sainty, Guy Stair. 'ChivalricOrders.org'. The Two Sicilies Succession. Guy Stair Sainty. Archived from the original on 6 February 2012. Retrieved 13 June 2015.

Further reading[edit]

  • Alio, Jacqueline. Sicilian Studies: A Guide and Syllabus for Educators (2018), 250 pp.
  • Eckaus, Richard S. 'The North-South differential in Italian economic development.' Journal of Economic History (1961) 21#3 pp: 285-317.
  • Finley, M. I., Denis Mack Smith and Christopher Duggan, A History of Sicily (1987) abridged one-volume version of 3-volume set of 1969)
  • Imbruglia, Girolamo, ed. Naples in the eighteenth century: The birth and death of a nation state (Cambridge University Press, 2000)
  • Petrusewicz, Marta. 'Before the Southern Question: 'Native' Ideas on Backwardness and Remedies in the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, 1815-1849.' in Italy's 'Southern Question' (Oxford: Berg, 1998) pp: 27-50.
  • Pinto, Carmine. 'The 1860 disciplined Revolution. The Collapse of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.' Contemporanea (2013) 16#1 pp: 39-68.
  • Riall, Lucy. Sicily and the Unification of Italy: Liberal Policy & Local Power, 1859-1866 (1998), 252pp
  • Zamagni, Vera. The economic history of Italy 1860-1990 (Oxford University Press, 1993)

External links[edit]

  • ‹See Tfd›(in Italian)Brigantino – Il portale del Sud, a massive Italian-language site dedicated to the history, culture and arts of southern Italy
  • ‹See Tfd›(in Italian)Casa Editoriale Il Giglio, an Italian publisher that focuses on history, culture and the arts in the Two Sicilies
  • ‹See Tfd›(in Italian)La Voce di Megaride, a website by Marina Salvadore dedicated to Napoli and Southern Italy
  • ‹See Tfd›(in Italian)Associazione culturale 'Amici di Angelo Manna', dedicated to the work of Angelo Manna, historian, poet and deputy
  • ‹See Tfd›(in Italian)Fora! The e-journal of Nicola Zitara, professor; includes many articles about southern Italy's culture and history
  • Regalis, a website on Italian dynastic history, with sections on the House of the Two Sicilies

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